
Excited about this! Such a fun idea Cori :). Thank you for asking me to do this! We learned a bit about each other and also some more Substack skills! ha ha! Take us back to the 70's NOW! ox

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Sep 14Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Cori Bren

What a fun ride. I grew up in the 70s too. I miss the simpler times.

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I think nostalgia is a reminder of brighter times, to keep hope strong in all seasons of our lives.

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It's so fun to look back! I loved these days! Definitely simpler times! Thank you for reading :)

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Sep 15Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Boy you brought back memories!

We didn’t have a station wagon, but our neighbours did! Once a month or so my brother and I got to pile into the back with their three kids and go on an adventure.

We also rode our bikes miles away from home, no supervision. We spent all of our time running around outside playing.

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It was cathartic to write with so many happy memories.

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Thank you Tim for reading and leaving us this comment! It's so funny how we got to ride our bikes everywhere and came in when it was getting dark! ha ha! And, as an immigrant, my dad was pretty protective, but they trusted me. The station wagon trips I didn't even mention but pretty funny!

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Ladies I love this soooooo much! Cori I’m only now becoming acquainted with your writing and I’m so excited to have done so. My grandmother whom we called Nanny was from Schuylkill county and I spent my summers in Mount Union PA visiting her extended family. She was one of 9 kids and we rode up there in her big blue station wagon. Some of the best summers of my life. 🙏🏻

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I am so happy this connected with you personally, as it did with Deborah and I.

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Sep 16Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt, Cori Bren

Thanks Cori, I was talking to Deb yesterday on the phone and Trudi had this amazing idea where her and I could do an 80’s one..

What do you think? Deb wanted me to run it by you. It was such a fun and inspiring piece, I love making these connections. Lmk, send a DM I’m off to work in a few

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Excited to know this inspired an 80’s version! Can’t wait! ox

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Awe, Kristin! Thank you for reading! That's incredible how much you have in common! You and Cori had lives I envied, but still, even though it was "just us" - it was fun to explore in our white station wagon and then camp eventually. These years were much more simple... and we have this gift of gratitude for them. I wonder if kids today are grateful for the simple things.

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I have so much love and gratitude for my upbringing. Just also love to make a lot of jokes about my feral childhood and get to tease my mother in the process. Of course my kids have their moments, but are usually very appreciative of the simpler things in life and I hope they stay that way forever.

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I believe they are Deb! Some of my kids favorite memories are the family road and camping trips we still take! I don’t have to remind them too often how lucky they are. I am happiest in a campground and glad I got to share that love for the outdoors with my kids . OXOX

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When I retire my dream life for a couple years would be traveling around the US in a camper. Just need to conceive my husband. 🤭

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I am trying to convince John of the same!! Maybe we’ll run into each other someday! ha ha!

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Yes please! I need to find my third husband and will happily meet you somewhere out there on the road. Lol.

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Sounds like a possible in person reunion of some kind for all of us at a campground in our futures

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I 100% agree! These are THEE BEST of times! All kids should be required to camp and get dirty! and go phone-free! oxox

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My girls spent several summers at summer long sleep away camps and absolutely loved it! It prepared them for college. Also you know I am a dirty phoneless camper and have some seriously awesome life skills.

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Lovely collaboration by teonof mybfavorite Substackians! We had a station wagon too! I grew up in one! My parents told us around town and all of the California on vacation. On long trips, we will all sit in the back and read comic books and play games. But that was all back in 60’s, Lol! Thank you guys! ✨💖🤗

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Thank you Charlotte. Sounds like everyone had a station wagon experience

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Awe, thank you Charlotte! It was so much fun and I wish I had included some of our funny station wagon adventures! I loved these days! Thank you for reading! We love you!! ox

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I relate! 🤗

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Sep 15Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Not sure if that was the station wagon with the seats facing each other in the "way back" but I do remember the freedom of feeling like I was in another world in the "way back" no matter who I was with.

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Me too that was my favorite spot

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Yesss! We flew all over that big back area! My parents put my brother's car seat thingy back there! ha ha! I was the far-back babysitter :) Thank you for reading!!

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Great post! Great memories, roller skating, drive ins, camping, hiking and station wagon road trips. Thanks for sharing

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Thank you. I’m happy it’s relatable to so many here. ☺️

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Thank you so much for reading! Glad it brought back some good memories! I think we could have written a book on it!

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Sep 15Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Oh this was fun to read as someone from the UK. Between you both, so many of the words and phrases used that for me encapsulate Americana - Kool Aid, Drive Ins, Brady Bunch, road trips…..and some precious photos too.

Joyous, and lots of funny moments too.

Thanks for bringing a smile :)

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We're so, so happy you liked this. It was truly eye and heart opening to us as we put it to paper so to speak.

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Hey my dear Brit friend! Cori's life was definitely the life I was missing back home and wanting a bit of in America - but we stuck together and I didn't know much different, except that our "relatives" were British friends. lol. I also just found a picture of me and a British friend's daughter with "Greg" from the Brady Bunch! I'll have to post it! Can't even remember what we were doing. Probably a fan event! Thank you for reading! oxox

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Sep 16Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Old photos are the best aren’t they? I really enjoyed yours, keep sharing xx

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Thank you friend. ox

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Sep 15Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I loved reading these! The Avon collectibles 😂 I had lots of those.

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We did too at our house. Me and my sisters actually sold Avon door to door starting around age 9-10. It was def a different time.

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Sep 15Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I loved the collectible soaps in different shapes. Avon was something else back then. I loved leafing through the catalogue and trying out the samples!

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Me too!!

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Us too! We had an "Avon cupboard" in the hallway! EVERYONE got Avon for birthday, Christmas! Those soaps especially! That's what started mum's "gift cupboard," which was a great idea! Thank you for reading this Trudi! ox

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ha ha! Trudi! Weren't they fun? We had sooooo many! I used to play with the Avon boxes! (That was in the 60's!) Mum would give them to me and pieces of an old towel (for beds!) and I'd take them and spread them around like a house for my Barbie. Dad had all the car cologne bottles! lol

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Oh my word my dad had the cars too!

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I thought it was so funny! Dad's chest of drawers was loaded with them!

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Wow ! Talk about sentimentality and good memories ! I was a 70s grow up kid too. I think I mirrored Cori a little more than Deborah, although both spoke of things I remember. Always being out side, going in just to eat dinner. Remembering the nightly summer sunsets. We had kick the can, red rover, running bases, wiiffle ball, touch football, ghost stories. The phone on the wall with the long cord. Drinking water from the yard hose along with eating raw anything (when it came time to be moms official taste tester 😉) without fears. The idea of that 20 cent brownie took me back to having dinner at McDonalds after little league games, being given a dollar and getting (yes a whole buck) for burger, fries, soda…then trying to save a nickel to get a wahoo bar off the Good Humor truck later on. I didn’t do the skate board thing and my sister 😇 was the one who went to the roller rink (at least she got dropped off there 😮). Deborah, I understand what you mean by the “gender affirming jeans” 🫣🫣🫣🫣😂 !

Yes - definitely a more laid back time, safer (as crazy as that sounds) and a hell of a lot of fun !

Thanks ladies for the memories 😊

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Thank you for commenting. I had so much nostalgia just writing it!

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I grew up in the 80’s. We had a station wagon. I used to sit in the back back, facing backwards, you could fit as many kids as you could squeeze in.

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80’s we’re my adolescent years so I love them too. Be on the lookout cause Nurse Kristen and Trudi Nicola are about to show the 80’s some love.

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It was a dream for us when Aunt Judy fired it up.

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