Tuesday Tidbits - Cori's first meme drop
Stop crying, or I'll give you something to cry about!
Unless otherwise noted, all images are created with Microsoft Bing Image Creator.
In the beginning, there was a guy. Then some other guy took that first guy’s rib (ok, yuck!) and then rubbed some dirt on it, clearly to get back in the game, and Shazam! A woman. But something went horribly, horribly, horribly wrong maybe with the dirt, who knows. But, Eve told Mary who told Sarah who told Ruth who told Hannah who told Delilah who told Rachel, wait where was I? Oh, that’s right, something heinous happened on the way to ‘new product pickup’. Dem bitches be botched up with the crying and the looks and the tears and the shouting and the ranting and the crying - wait, did I already say crying? (Insert evil cackle here)
This meme drop is your lucky key to the ladies. No, it’s not. No such thing exists. So, read ‘em and weep. Who’s crying now?!
Credit: Imgflip
Credit: Richard Hughes Psychotherapy
Credit: Shaunti Feldhahn
Credit: Cheezburger
Credit: Bored Panda
Credit: Cheezburger
Credit: Pin Page
Credit: Cheezburger
Credit: Sites at GSU
Credit: Cheezburger
Credit: Runt of the web
Credit: Pinterest
Credit: Nature
Credit: Crema Mia
Credit: Pin page
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Please, for Pete’s sake, don’t be a shidiot. Comment on my first meme drop.
Cori, great memes!!! I loved the huge book of women's emotions and the tiny book of men's emotions!! True! Also loved the plan for a social event and by the time the social event arrives, you are not in the mood for the social event. This is why I remain a solitary person, except for church twice a week! I need my quiet. Blessings to you, keep making memes, these were hilarious! Wendy