T-1 Days to the Sh-Election - Yuck it Up!
Memes for Jarheads, Squids, and Chuck Norris. Oh My!
Since meme pickings are slim nowadays and we all need deep, deep belly laughs, I’m taking editorial license and mixing the original tough guy, Chuck Norris, with the U.S. Marine and Navy memes on this fine Monday morning. Apparently Marines don’t think they are part of the Navy, so um don’t stir the pot too much with your Marine friends! Without further ado, let the games begin.
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Subscribe, they said. Keep it coming, they said. No, really. They said that.
Comments keep the conversation going and support for our veterans top of mind. I so appreciate you for that!
Loving the meme theme you got here, keep em coming! :)
These have been great! You're right, we all need deeep bellylaughs right now!